
To reduce the rate of teenage pregnancy in Dodoma city by 2021

DOYODO has pioneered a model adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) flagship program in Dodoma region that aims to reduce teenage pregnancy in Dodoma region . The program called Magauni Manne intends to enable AGYW to fulfil their dreams by completing all levels of education and making informed decisions for their livelihoods. DOYODO programs focus on promoting AGYW access to education, sexual reproductive health friendly services for in and out- of- school youth. DOYODO collaborates with government, CSOs and communities in its interventions.

“MAGAUNI MANNE means a Swahili word that mean four gowns. The first gown stands for primary and secondary school uniform, second gown symbolizes higher learning graduation gown, the third gown is the wedding gown and the fourth one detonates maternity gown.

Magauni Manne implemented in four wards in Dodoma City that includes Chang’ombe, Miuji, Mnadani and Nzuguni to advocate for the prioritization of adolescent SRH friendly services


REST project intended to increase access and use of sexual and reproductive health and right among youth, adolescent’s girls and boys and young women in Bahi District Council in Dodoma Region, the project focuses on “Smart Advocacy” to hold the Tanzanian government accountability for youth and adolescents related FP2020 commitments and other commitments on SRHR.

REST project, funded by DSW-TZ for two years (2022 – 2024), aim to reduce teenage pregnancy in Bahi District Council to adolescent girls aged 15 up to 19 years. REST project uses Magauni Manne approach to ensure Adolescents girls and boys meet their goal. To ensure ownership and sustainability of the project, DOYODO will strengthen health care providers, Adolescents girls and boys and Young Women and youth to become SRH and Gender champions, which will help them to take ownership of the project. Our project will reach 3600 adolescents girls, boys and youth.


Since Tanzania is one of the sub-Saharan country which transforming to middle economically developed nation due to the high transformations of technologies.60% of development countries are largely influenced by young people. This creates a need for practical policies and related programs to engage youth effectively in all aspects of the development of their countries.

DOYODO discovered through its youth development programs that young people face multiple health, economic, and social challenges. Youth require a coordination platform that will increase their participation in decision-making and create equal job opportunities. DOYODO was supported by Pact Tanzania through the Data Driven Advocacy Project (DDA-Project), which funded by USAID, in order to carry out advocacy interventions to ensure the operationalization of Tanzania National Youth Council.

The Organization was successful in building the capacity of 20 youth led and focused organization to recognize the significance of the establishment of the National Youth Council, its policies, and regulations. Through education on the importance of the National Youth Council, the organization has reached 530 young people and Youth Officers from 7 Dodoma Districts Councils on the importance of participation and youth involvement in decision-making process.

After realizing the significance of the National Youth Council, the Ministry of Youth began to create a simplified version of the National Youth Council guidelines to assist young people in learning about the rules and regulations of the Tanzania national youth council.